Missouri Angus Association

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Missouri Angus Association

Missouri Angus Happenings

Missouri Angus Breeders’ Futurity is this Weekend

We are excited to host our Annual Meeting, Membership Banquet, Breeders’ Futurity Sale and more on Saturday, February 22, 2025 in Columbia, MO.

The 68th Annual Missouri Angus Breeders’ Futurity offering includes consignments from over twenty-five Missouri Angus Association members with an elite gathering of genetics packages including live female lots, bulls, embryos as well as a pregnancy and semen offerings. The sale will take place at noon with our Missouri Angus Trails advertising auction concluding the sale.

The Learning Forum, Sale and Annual Meeting will be held at the Trowbridge Livestock Center on the campus of University of Missouri. We’re bringing live cattle back to Columbia and excited to see many of our members in this weekend of membership activities.

Additional events will take place at the Courtyard by Marriott Columbia. If needed, make your hotel accommodations by calling 573-443-8000 and see if there are still rooms available in the Missouri Angus Association room block.

The membership banquet will include great fellowship while awarding numerous recipients for their achievements in 2024. The meal will be served with a cost of $45 per adult and $25 for youth ages 3 to 11. Youth under 3 are free. In 2025, we will again feature the Baseball Cut Top Sirloin with sides, salad and dessert. If paying online, there will be a $2 online processing fee.

RSVP for the Membership Banquet by purchasing your banquet tickets or follow the instructions below.

In addition to paying online for your banquet ticket, you can also pay at the door or mail a check to Missouri Angus Association.

2025 Membership Tour to Certified Angus Beef®

We will be offering a membership tour to Wooster, Ohio to visit Certified Angus Beef® and additional tour stop locations. The membership bus tour will take place August 20-23, 2025 with registration opening May 1st. Sponsorship opportunities are currently available by clicking here!

Save the Date – 2025 Preview Show Weekend

We invite you to mark your calendars for the 2025 Missouri Angus Preview Show Weekend held in conjunction with the Missouri Cattlemen’s Youth Expo. It is an action packed weekend for our junior members with the following schedule:

  • Friday, June 13, 2025:
    • Missouri Angus Phenotype/Genotype Heifer Show
    • Missouri Angus Breeders Jackpot Heifer
    • Missouri Angus Breeders Jackpot Steer Show
  • Saturday, June 14, 2025: Missouri Cattlemen’s Association/MO Jr. Angus Preview Show
  • Sunday, June 15, 2025: Missouri Angus Open Preview Show

Please note, this event will fall over Father’s Day in 2025.

2024 Missouri Angus Ladies of Autumn Sale

Thank you to everyone who supported our third annual Missouri Angus Ladies of Autumn Sale on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at Wall Street Cattle Company in Lebanon, MO. The sale report can be viewed here. We cannot say thank you enough to the consignors, buyers and bidders who made the day a success. A special thank you to Wall Street Cattle Company for graciously hosting the event as well as our great crew of Missouri Junior Angus Association members working in the back. Stay tuned to the Trails and our website for more information about the 2025 event following our February Board of Directors Meeting.

Missouri Angus Board of Director Meeting Updates

Each October, the Missouri Angus Board of Directors meets for their fourth meeting of the year to continue to manage the property, affairs, and business of the Association. While the full minutes will be printed in the November Trails, here are a few highlights of the meeting:

  • Ladies of Autumn Sale: Wall Street Cattle Company is looking forward to hosting us for the 2024 Ladies of Autumn Sale to be held Sunday, October 27 at 1 pm. Jordan Hunter is serving as the sale manager and has an offering of 66 lots from 32 consignors. The Saturday evening social will be heavy appetizers beginning at 6:30 p.m.
  • 2025 Missouri Angus Breeders’ Futurity Sale: With the return to the Trowbridge Livestock Center and having live cattle on site, Chad Sampson has worked with a metal fabricator to determine the size, layout and style to best meet our needs for having unhaltered cattle. The decision was made to purchase gates with the University of Missouri paying 50% of the cost. The sale will be held Saturday, February 22, 2025 at noon.
  • Future Ladies of Autumn and Breeders’ Futurity Sales: The female age maximum rule as been remove and is at the discretion of the sale manager.
  • 2025-2026 Trails Pricing: There will be no changes to the Trails Contracts and Website Banner Ads special pricing from previous years. As a reminder, the sale of premium advertising pages is an important source of revenue for Missouri Angus, these ad pages will now sell at the conclusion of the Futurity cattle sale.
  • Stand-Alone E-Blast: As requested by members, there now is an opportunity for a stand-alone Eblast advertising at the rate of $100/blast.
  • Phenotype & Genotype Shows (PGS): We look forward to hosting two PGS Shows again this year, one in June at Preview Show and one in August at the Missouri State Fair.
  • Certified Angus Beef® Tour: The membership bus tour to Wooster, Ohio will take place August 20-23, 2025. Sponsorship opportunities are listed here. Contact Julie Conover for additional information.

If you have additional questions about the board meeting, please contact Julie Conover or any of the Board members listed under the Boards, Association Tab.

Missouri Angus Commercial Female Listing

In an effort to continue to connect breeders and potential buyers with cattle available for purchase, the Missouri Angus Association Board of Directors voted to create a Commercial Female Online Listing system.

Each listing will cost $20 and be active for 60 days once posted online. Listing are only available to Missouri Angus Association members or commercial customers of Missouri Angus Association members. To continue the success of the program, the $20 fee has been waived until February 23, 2025. Find more details under the For Sale Tab, Commercial Females.

Ready to list your offering or have a bull customer you want to sponsor? You can download the form and email or mail it in, or complete the digital form by clicking on the links below. Please note, digital forms will be processed quicker.

Online Form or download form as PDF or Document.

Other Angus News

“Top 10 Best Practices” for Regional Association Consignment Sales

In the 2023-2024 Missouri Angus Directory, we released the work of the Missouri Angus Association Industry Relations Committee’s, “Top 10 Best Practices” for Regional Association Consignment Sales. The items are not listed in any particular order and are meant to aid consignment sales in running more effective, higher grossing sales that better fit the needs of buyers. The Missouri Angus Association “Top 10 Best Practices” for Regional Association Consignment Sales document can also be viewed here.

In an effort to further expand upon the practices, an article was written monthly and printed in the Missouri Angus Trails.

  1. Consign healthy, sound structured, functional cattle.
  2. Have accurate data available on each lot consigned.
  3. Cattle should be in excellent condition.
  4. Consignors need to be positive and accept some responsibility for marketing the sale.
  5. Identify your customers and market to them.
  6. Pictures in sale book can add value.
  7. Poor pictures are worse than no pictures.
  8. Sale books need to be out in a timely manner.
  9. Know what type and how many cattle are desired by buyers in your marketplace.
  10. Social activities can strengthen your Association.

In addition to the written words, on Saturday, February 24 during the Missouri Angus Breeders’ Futurity Weekend, we hosted a panel discussion around marketing cattle with an emphasis on the consignment sale setting. The discussion was moderated by Clint Hunter and included four previous Missouri Angus Herdsman of the Year Recipients including Teela Sadowsky, Jennifer Russell, Reed Gooden and Cash Langford. The video can be viewed on youtube.

Notes about the Trails:


Upcoming Events

02/20/2025 Illinois Beef Expo Springfield, IL
02/21/2025 Deepe Angus Bull & Female Sale Waverly, IA
02/22/2025 High Point Genetics Bull Sale Osceola, IA
02/22/2025 68th Missouri Angus Breeders' Futurity Sale Columbia, MO
02/22/2025 Missouri Angus Association Annual Meeting Columbia, MO
02/22/2025 Missouri Angus Association Membership Banquet Columbia, MO
02/23/2025 Voss Angus Sale Dexter, IA
02/26/2025 Martens Angus Farms Sale Bellevue, IA
