Missouri Angus Association


Missouri Angus Trails

Missouri Angus Association produces the Missouri Angus Trails ten times annually. The publication is mailed to our membership and does include three special issues that are mailed to a larger audience including the February, June (Directory) and September publications. The publication size recently changed to 8.125″ x 10.8125″ which is a match to the Angus Journal2024 Missouri Angus Trails Advertising Rates and Dimensions details can also be found by clicking on the link.


Click on the cover to view our 2024-2025 Directory


Trails Advertising Rates

1 Page $525 $495 $465
2/3 Page $450 $425 $400
1/2 Page $380 $360 $340
1/3 Page $315 $300 $285
1/4 Page $270 $260 $250
1/8 Page $205 $200 $195

Missouri Angus Trails Advertising Deadlines

January/February January 10
March February 10
April March 10
May April 10
June/July Directory Issue May 1
August July 10
September August 10
October September 10
November October 10
December November 10

Mail date is approximately the 1st of each month.

Due to the short time frame between the ad deadline and the print deadline, there will be no exceptions to advertising deadlines. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us get the Trails out on time.

Missouri Angus Trails is mailed monthly to members and nonmembers primarily in Missouri.  Average circulation size is over 1800.  Click here for the 2024 Missouri Angus Trails Advertising Rates and Dimensions.

MISSOURI ANGUS TRAILS (ISSN 1931-9886) is published monthly except for January and February which are combined issues and June and July which are combined issues and is published by the Missouri Angus Trails, 634 SW 1201 Road, Holden, MO 64040. Subscription price is included as part of the minimum membership dues of $45.00 per year in the Missouri Angus Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Missouri Angus Trails, 634 SW 1201 Road, Holden, MO 64040.

Achieved Trails:
